
Curated For a Life of Adventure

New noms pre-view and the opportunity to collaborate

Johanna Stein

Our CampEats team has been busy working on all sorts of new noms based on feedback from our early customers. People are loving our breakfasts and lunches! And from what we're hearing those are the two hardest meals to plan when you are on the road. 

The other biggest ah-ha is that folks want to keep moving either in the process of traveling or the actual act of adventuring rather than messing around figuring out what to eat.

So we've been trying to lift that load. Life should be filled with adventure, not with a bunch of hassles. To ease the pain we've come up with what we are calling GoNoms, which is like a foodie MRE. They've each got three single serve small batch noms curated to make a complete filling meal ready for the road. They are perfect for throwing in your bag and and pulling out to eat whenever. 

Now comes to fun part, which is helping folks better understand where they could be eating a GoNom. We are going to send 10 hungry photographers a few FREE GoNoms for a couple adventure photos in return. The whole point of CampEats is to get more folks out into the world exploring. And who doesn't want a few FREE yummy things to help you along in that adventure.

Let's Collaborate - Help Inspire Adventure 

Here is the deal. To celebrate our launch we'll select two talented collaborators each week for the next four weeks (last call June 11, 2016). They'll get a couple GoNoms to eat and photograph on their adventures. We ask that they share a few high quality photos that we can use to inspire others to get out and adventure. 

If that sounds awesome to you fill out our collaborator request below.